Emergency crews were dispatched to a bridge just south of 2nd and Gilkerson St. in Willard. Rossville Police Chief Jason Connell says that the car is from Gardner, Kansas, and the driver was not familiar with the road.
“They lost control you can see that there is a nice 90 degree curve up here,” Connell said. “[They are] not familiar with the road over here, hit loose gravel, lost control and hit the guardrail.”
The driver was transported to the hospital with a lower leg injury.
“There’s almost 12 inches of impingement from the bridge itself into a passenger compartment of the vehicle, so it was significant impact to the bridge,” said Chief Dirk Christian, Shawnee County Fire District #4.
A second passenger in the car refused medical treatment at the scene.
There is some good video of the accident scene, including the victims, at: http://www.wibw.com/content/news/1-injured-as-car-spins-into-bridge-guardrail-in-Willard--370028161.html
There is some good video of the accident scene, including the victims, at: http://www.wibw.com/content/news/1-injured-as-car-spins-into-bridge-guardrail-in-Willard--370028161.html