Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Connor Bush Wins Condiment Race

 (KCTV)-- It started out innocent enough but at just over four seconds into the race.
Down went Ketchup! And he took Mustard with him during the Sunday Kansas City Royals game!
Jack Grimes of Lawrence was "Mustard" and said the "...bad thing about the costumes is you can't look down so if someone falls, which happened to me, I tripped over the guy and I couldn't see where he was."
The "guy" or "Ketchup" who took him out was Conner Bush of Rossville.
Conner Bush told the media that, "I fell down and I was landing and then he tripped and then he fell down and when I tried to get up, my costume was falling off and then I just slipped out of it and just ran.
When 'The Ketchup Kid' came out of his suit he continued running at the end, Conner took a flying Superman leap across the finish line, for the win!
Unfortunately for Brock, getting beat by his kid brother is "not anything new".
No matter who won or lost, the experience for the three Royals fans, was one they'll always remember for better or worse.
You can see video of the event at:

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