Thursday, April 13, 2017

Band Excells At State

The Rossville Senior High Band had a successful day at the State Large Group Music Festival, held at Louisburg High School on Wednesday, April 12th.  The band received three Division I-Ratings, which are "Superior," for an overall rating of 1.  After arrival to the festival location, bands are given 20 minutes in the warm up room before taking the stage before three judges.  Once on-stage, bands are allocated 20 minutes to play their contest pieces.  These pieces can be any number of songs, but at least one must be selected from the KSHSAA Published Music List for bands.  This list is comprised of hundreds of songs, and of varying difficulties, rated from grade level 1(very easy) to grade level 6 (very difficult).  Class 3A-4A schools are required to select at least one piece that is at minimum grade level 3, then the other selection(s) can be anything the group decides to play.  Most groups play two contrasting style pieces, and Rossville's selections for this year were "Air for Band," by Frank Erickson (grade 3), which is a beautiful, slow ballad that is a classic in the high school band world, followed by "Covington Square," by James Swearingen (also grade 3), which is overall a very brisk and energetic piece, with a big, flashy finish.

The 25-piece band, under the direction of Mr. Garrett Jones, consists of the following members:

Daniel Borcherding - Alto Saxophone
Paul Borcherding - Flute
Edward Brockamp - Trombone
Alexandra Broughton - F Horn
Madison Brown - Flute
Marvin Cummings - Percussion
Trevor Cunningham - Alto Saxophone
Dylan Ditch - Percussion
Abigail Escobar - Flute
Colton Hadsall - Tuba
Bryson Hase - Trombone
Erika Hatina - Trumpet
Meagan Huston - Clarinet
Nathan Lekanoff - Percussion
Shawn Lekanoff - Percussion
Jonah Mercer - Tenor Saxophone
Taylor Morelli - Clarinet
Hana Parkhurst - Percussion
Jonas Rewerts - Euphonium
Dawson Schaefer - Trumpet
Tristan Shepherd - F Horn
Mary Shults - Baritone Saxophone
William Stillion - Percussion
Ava Stipp - Clarinet
Ella Terliesner - Clarinet

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